Here are the services we provide

Simplify your mailing campaigns with our IT Solutions

Data Services

For the preparation of your Mailing-Data we do have various tools for handling like selection, conversion or analysis. Also we offer Optimization of your data for attaining discounts from the German postal service plc...

Programs for high-speed printers

Print what you want to wherever you want to. That is our philosophy here! Our partners produces thousends high grade items of mailings every day, so the processing of your mailing campaign is in very good hands...

Image/Video Personalization

Let's go! Distinguish yourself from your competition and make your dialogue more personal! We personalize your videos or pictures and integrate in the desired quality - in gray tones or colour - into your Mailing...

Mobile Response Marketing

Reacting quick! We offer you a cost-effective way to integrate mobile websites for selling or information in your mailing. Smartphones by now also be used for mobile marketing, which has already become an important part of dialogue marketing...

eMail design and delivery

With the programming of personalized emails we can offer a full range of service: personal salutation, links to your current web contents, ordering and cancellation of newsletters etc.! Incidental returns are collected by us and provided to you for your database...

individual developments

Not all requests you have to design your customer dialogue can be covered by standards. Surveys f.e. are usually holistic never part of the paper dialogue in a mailing campaign and can not - in contrast to eResponse - not simply be taken from the existing personalization program...

actual job share 50%

Data Services

Data.Analysis: MIN-/MAX-content of fields; contents analysis of given fields (different contents; counting of same contents etc.); Analysis Hex-Coding after segment: a) not printable chars; b) standard character set; c) expanded character set = f (country encoding).

Data structuring/ Split/adjustment: restructuring or standardization of record layouts; splitting and/or adjustment of different data stock.

Mailing.Identification.Number: Generation related to customers password for resuming dialogue in the Internet (eResponse, or something like that).

Postage optimization: Optimization of your data for attaining discounts from the German postal service plc.

Selection and Sort: Selection and/or data sorting on your customer requirements.

actual job share 35%

Print Edit

Printer Languages: We use the products which allows us to generate the right output for virtually every platform. Here are some of the output possibilities for our programmes: IPDS; AFP; PS; VPS, PDF!

Mailing Languages: We are in the position to construct personalization jobs for you in all European languages. Languages for the Asiatic countries on request.

actual job share 5%

Image/Video Personalization

Apart from the possibility of arranging your texts pinpoint to your customers we can also personalize likewise your pictures and integrate in the desired quality - in gray tones or colour - into your Mailing.  But image personalization for each customer is not always necessary in order to personalize images with the appropriate font. The right typeface can have the same effect, especially with simple 2D representations and smooth backgrounds with little structure. Simple inclinations around the angle X are no problem. (see our fontbook) The advantage is obvious: One font for one image and the previous "preliminary personalization run" - i.e. one image per customer - is completely eliminated. This is immensely cost-saving, especially for larger runs! If you find a suitable typeface in our catalogue, you will not incur any significant additional costs for the print program. We would also be happy to produce the right typeface for your motif. More samples you find under ! Ask us!
Over the years, FCS has become synonymous with personalization in text and images, excellent service and quality. Since 2024 we have also been able to personalize your videos. The options include displaying personalized text in the desired font, as well as playing text-to-speech files at the desired points in the video. More information you find under !

actual job share 3%

Mobile Response Marketing

QR codes make your mailing mobile!  Smartphones by now also be used for mobile marketing, which has already become an important part of dialogue marketing. Here, the Smartphone serves as a return channel and therefore as the possibility for response or ordering. The technical interface between customer contact and response via smartphone here is the QR code. The letters QR stand for Quick Response. Underlying this is a two-dimensional Matrix code containing here the personalized web address. In the mailing production an individual code (personalized QR Code) is generated for each recipient, what a direct response of your customers or prospective permits. One of our unique selling points of many of our competitors is that the FCS does not creates a personalized website per customer (pURL). We encrypt the connection to your website and work - as with the print well - with databases. So we can with queries to other fields from your database - such as of the Customer number - again verify the identity of the purchaser. We also offer you the option of "double opt-in" or "opt-in closed loop" process to implement in your site to make orders more secure. Database connectivity also means that you always have access to your responders. Ask us!

actual job share 4%

eMail design and delivery

The two keys to eMail dialogue are inquisitiveness and humor.  Have you ever had a conversation with someone who doesn’t ask any questions. Coming up with good questions can be difficult, especially when you know nothing about a customer. To get started, you can ask questions about the products of other customers profile. But before beginning an email marketing program, you need to think about the best tactics for converting prospects into customers. Too many companies still do not make the effort to differentiate between existing customers and news subscribers. In the first instance, companies should try to gain their new subscriber’s confidence by communicating their brand and products and offering promotions. To qualify these new contacts, you should start by asking how often they would like to receive communication from you. This will help avoid potential future unsubscribes if the frequency of your campaigns is inconvenient to them. Be careful not to ask too many questions in the initial sign-up stage, you want to ensure that you build your subscribers confidence gradually and ensure they make their first purchase.

actual job share 3%


Font creation is certainly not our main business, but sometimes for unusual ideas from advertising agencies unavoidable. This can be either fonts in TrueType format or font in a format to be Photofont.

Mobile Response Marketing: Classical marketing is usually a communication one-way street. By mobile marketing measures you strengthen classical advertising media and offer to your customers genuine increases in value. Mobile communication increases the effectiveness of your campaigns and makes it measurable! Additional information of a product (guidances, prescriptions, FAQs, etc.) is deposited on-line and is directly locally attainable. The moreover one naturally the possibility exists, by the print of individual QR codes Websites for Smartphones also personalized to develop and so the sale of individual articles to promote. Ask us!

Web surveys: A classic example of the development of individual dialogues are web surveys (see; Password: dummyUser). Surveys are usually holistic never part of the paper dialogue in a mailing campaign and can not - in contrast to eResponse - not simply be taken from the existing personalization program. It requires additional specifications to logic, validation, trim and resources such as layout, images, and any fonts.

Customized desktop applications: Our preferred programming language is C #. In our Sample Image Gallery, some examples are shown. All of our software for data services analysis, splitting into several print web, sorting, etc. is based on in-house developments, which have been tried and tested for over 10 years.
Of course we look forward to your individual requirements for your customer dialogue!


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